EXs322 Exploring Percussion

EXs322 Exploring Percussion

Contents: Approximately 145MB of PCM samples (Requires: approximately 47MB of the “virtual RAM”), 158 Stereo Drum samples, 1125 Mono Drum samples, 8 Programs, 7 Drum Kits, 169 Drum Track Patterns.

“EXs322 Exploring Percussion” includes Dry/Ambi percussion kit, new original percussion kit, and the percussion kits for African music and Arabic Music. These additions vastly expand your musical capabilities with the NAUTILUS.
Although the NAUTILUS already features piano and drum sounds for which you can mix the dry and ambient sounds (Dry/Ambi Mix), “EXs322 Exploring Percussion” is the first EXs expansion to offer dry/ambient mixed sounds for percussion. To add to the revamped original percussion kit, this product features drum kits that are intended for players of African music, Middle Eastern music and more. These additions vastly expand your musical capabilities with the NAUTILUS at your side.

Sampled Instruments:
ChinaCymbal, SplashCymbal, SizzleCymbal, HandClaps, Tumba, Conga, Bongo, Timbales, Tambourine, Cowbell, Claves, Vibraslap, Maracas, Cabasa, Shaker, Agogo, Cuica, Whistle, Woodblock, Castanets, Triangle, SleighBells, BellTree, AntiqueCymbal, CeramicChime, ClusterChime, Rattle, Cajon, Surdo, Timbau, Zabumba, Tamborim, Pandeiro, RecoReco, Djembe, DunDun, DunDunBells, Bougarabou, TalkingDrum, Udu, LogDrum, SlitLogDrum, Balafon, Caxixi, NutShaker, Shekere, Spoon, Jawbone, SheepBell, Darbuka, Davul, Tar, Daf, Bendir, Doyra, OceanDrum, Riq, Tef, FingerCymbal, GopiJantra, Taiko, Mokusho, Gong, Tile, PlantPot, Scoop, Bottle, SteelCan, MetalBar, SpinningWrench, etc.

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